I make music and sing.




Joined on 6/18/07

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hania's News

Posted by hania - May 8th, 2009

Okie dokie!
So we've made another short film (woohoo!)
Check it out 'Make Snacks not War'
We made it for a comp here in Australia.

In other news, we're completing another short film in the next few days - this one is doing a festival run, so it may be a while till it is released on the net.

Anywho, enjoy Make Snacks not War!!
Hope you like it!!

Check out our new film!

Posted by hania - March 15th, 2009

So, it has finally happened - the next song in the Memory Planet Saga - and I've decided to take it off newgrounds until I'm happy with it.
It was on here for a day - and it will be back, with force.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause - but it just wasn't right.


Posted by hania - January 27th, 2009

Hello everyone,

We've completed and submitted our new animation 'Roller Coaster Junkie' Check it out!


I'm really excited about it and I hope you like it! :D


New Music Video out- Roller Coaster Junkie

Posted by hania - January 24th, 2009


Long time!!

Thank you all for your patience and sticking by me for so long in between updates!
I have a new song for you :)

I really hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

Thanks again for all your emails during the 'quiet' time - I really appreciate your support!


New Song!

Posted by hania - October 26th, 2008

Hey everyone!
I've got 2 new songs out on Youtube (with me singing and playing live)
One is super special cause it's from TARBOY II !! (and the first TARBOY hasn't even been released!! SO - I included a tiny little clip from TARBOY (the first film) for you on the youtube video too.)

The song is called PAIN WE FEEL

and the second song is called TOMORROW
It too is very special to me - as I made it a while ago, to help someone dear to me.

Anywho, check them out! And let me know if you like them !

On a separate note:
Yes, the album is still coming out before Christmas - Tomorrow and Pain We Feel is on it too :) As well as many more new songs. (But they're all done up with background music)

The youtube stuff is just the raw song. :)

Career Wise:
I'm being paid to make music for films here in AUS and overseas. (which is AWESOME!)
TARBOY (the film I did music for) is being screened in 4 countries as part of the BIAF on Tuesday the 28th October.

Love Wise:
Still married ;) Still super happy ;)

T-shirt Wise:
Yep. You guessed it. In both vids, I'm wearing Tarboy Shirts. They'll be available from www.tarboy.com in a few weeks for everyone to enjoy!


Posted by hania - September 19th, 2008

The I Love You song , which I've called "Hania's Wedding Isle Song" here on newgrounds is up for you all to hear. And if you're having a wedding, or know of someone who might like to have this played on their big day, I would be so happy for you to use it!

It was such a tear jerker at my wedding (pretty much everyone, apart from me) cried :) *happy tears, of course* ;)

Well, I just wanted to share this with you all. It was a magical day.
The youtube video of it all will be up soon. So keep an eye out!

Here's a photo :)

Hope you like the song!!

My Wedding Isle Song!!

Posted by hania - August 2nd, 2008

Oh man! If you're a fan, you'll know that I make music for films - and if you've ever spoken to me, you'll know that TARBOY is a film I recently completed, and that it's now roaming the world in film festivals etc. It's up for 5 Awards, including Best Music Award at the QNFA here in Australia, it's in Siggraph, has been in multiple cinema screenings ... I could go on all day...


The reason to be excited is, that it hasn't been a glimps of it on the web yet... until today.

The teaser is all you're allowed to get, but the film itself is 6 minutes and 20 seconds, so it's worth the wait.

Wanna see the teaser?


The website is www.tarboy.com if you want to spread the word...

All animation is done by James Lee, the music is of course from yours trully and the story was collaborated by the both of us.

let me know what you think!
*jumps for joy*


Posted by hania - May 21st, 2008

So I've just uploaded ~Roller Coaster Junkie~

It's so cute. After I finished it, I listened to it like, 20 times cause it's so cute. I just kept imagining coasters and riding them...

But yes, I am going to go ride one soon anyway... there's one decent one here in Australia (called Superman Escape) at Movie World. NOTHING like the ones at Magic Mountain but hey... it's Australia. We're trying!!!


Great. So while I'm finishing off the album, take a listen to ~Roller Coaster Junkie~ and have fun!
Hugs !


Posted by hania - May 21st, 2008

Super sorry to have taken so long to post a song... and still, there's no song with this post (one will come soon though)... I just thought I should let everyone know that the album that I've been working on so very hard for the past... well, ages, has almost, finally become finished!

Yes, the new Memory Planet song is coming (called "Lips of an Invader" on my computer, for now) that title will probably be changed to just "Invaders" or something cool.

I'm making about 30 new songs for you all - they're all in the process of being made at the moment, with seconds to go before being finished - so that will all come out in one lump. *visualises a lump*

I thank all of you who keep me company on newgrounds, myspace and facebook and my email during this process. Don't stop writing to me, it's always fun to say hi to people from across the world.

And I'm totally thanking everyone who have found my album from long ago on itunes and such websites... it's about to be taken off to make room for the newer album, but thanks to all those who bought the songs to support me!
You are probably the only people in the world that have heard the earlier stages of my song-creating (el-dodge-o raw hania) and you're the only ones who know of a few songs (not posted on newgrounds) that I'm remaking for the new album!

How exciting!! :)

So on that note, I'm going to go have a drink of some sort, relax, and get to another big-working-day tomorrow to try and finish what I've started.
*wish me luck*

Oh oh oh , I'm going to another screening of TARBOY at the cinema (the film that James Lee and I made... he did all the visuals and I did all the music) ... always fun to see our film on the big screen!
It will be released later in the year... I was going to upload some of the music I made for it, but I've decided not to, cause then it won't be so impacty when you finally do get around to seeing the film... so this secret will sleep with me for a while... until TARBOY is released. (shouldn't be too long now... the round-the-world screenings should be over soon and we'll be allowed to make it public!!)

I'm going.



ps. The picture you're looking at is of the Girl from Memory Planet. James and I are making an animated
video clip for the song - it shall rock. But yeah, that's pretty much how I picture her in my mind. (Drawing by James Lee)

If you're a kick-ass digital painter and would like to be a part of the clip, let me know :)

ok, really going to go now.

Oh my it's been a while!

Posted by hania - March 28th, 2008

Who ever JUST favorited me, was the 1000th person to do so :)
*I'm so happy*

I was really aiming for 1000 and when I saw it at 999 last night, I was like "Oh man... come on... come oooonnnnn.....!!"
so who ever it was, A BIG THANK YOU!!

I'm making a new song today - should be up soon!

