Super sorry to have taken so long to post a song... and still, there's no song with this post (one will come soon though)... I just thought I should let everyone know that the album that I've been working on so very hard for the past... well, ages, has almost, finally become finished!
Yes, the new Memory Planet song is coming (called "Lips of an Invader" on my computer, for now) that title will probably be changed to just "Invaders" or something cool.
I'm making about 30 new songs for you all - they're all in the process of being made at the moment, with seconds to go before being finished - so that will all come out in one lump. *visualises a lump*
I thank all of you who keep me company on newgrounds, myspace and facebook and my email during this process. Don't stop writing to me, it's always fun to say hi to people from across the world.
And I'm totally thanking everyone who have found my album from long ago on itunes and such websites... it's about to be taken off to make room for the newer album, but thanks to all those who bought the songs to support me!
You are probably the only people in the world that have heard the earlier stages of my song-creating (el-dodge-o raw hania) and you're the only ones who know of a few songs (not posted on newgrounds) that I'm remaking for the new album!
How exciting!! :)
So on that note, I'm going to go have a drink of some sort, relax, and get to another big-working-day tomorrow to try and finish what I've started.
*wish me luck*
Oh oh oh , I'm going to another screening of TARBOY at the cinema (the film that James Lee and I made... he did all the visuals and I did all the music) ... always fun to see our film on the big screen!
It will be released later in the year... I was going to upload some of the music I made for it, but I've decided not to, cause then it won't be so impacty when you finally do get around to seeing the film... so this secret will sleep with me for a while... until TARBOY is released. (shouldn't be too long now... the round-the-world screenings should be over soon and we'll be allowed to make it public!!)
I'm going.
ps. The picture you're looking at is of the Girl from Memory Planet. James and I are making an animated
video clip for the song - it shall rock. But yeah, that's pretty much how I picture her in my mind. (Drawing by James Lee)
If you're a kick-ass digital painter and would like to be a part of the clip, let me know :)
ok, really going to go now.